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Edwin Coe




Property Lawyers




Advice type

Legal - Real estate

Leasehold enfranchisement

Sector Focus

Real Estate

Katherine Simpson

Spear’s Review

Katherine Simpson is one of a pair of outstanding lawyers who joined Edwin Coe to grow their property practice in 2018, the other being Rosie McCormick Paice, head of residential property.

Simpson is a leading specialist on leasehold enfranchisement, defending the rights of leaseholders and assisting them in the process of buying the freeholds from their landlords. She works on behalf of many leaseholders on the large estates that own much of London's most valuable postcodes.

She told Spear’s: ‘It’s all about finding solutions and being there for them.’ She gives advice on the possibilities of buying freeholds as well as using the leasehold system to manage inheritance tax.

Rank: Recommended

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