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Country/Rural Specialists




Advice type

Property buying

Property selling

Asset Class

Rural estates

Country property

Sector Focus

Real Estate

Gemma Maclaran

Spear’s Review 

Gemma Maclaran is a highly recommended buying agent who is an expert when it comes to locating prime property in the Cotswolds. 

MacLaran worked in investor relations in the City before deciding to change her career path. 

She then spent seven years at the London estate agency Douglas Gordon, where she developed a detailed understanding of prime property before joining Middleton in 2018. 

Having grown up in the Cotswolds, Maclaran has a comprehensive knowledge of the region. This is certainly beneficial for her clients, as one recently told Spear’s: ‘Without her help we would never have known about the property or achieved the purchase. She is a true star, and anyone would be very safe working with her to find their next home.’ 

Rank: Recommended

Recommended 2024, Country/Rural Specialists

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