Henley & Partners
Cape Town
Hong Kong
San Giljan
Geographical focus
United Arab Emirates
United States
Client types
Wealth managers
Henley & Partners
Company Profile
Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals and their advisors rely on our expertise and experience in this area. The firm’s highly qualified professionals work together as one team in over 60 offices worldwide.
The concept of residence and citizenship by investment was created by Henley & Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors whom we proudly serve every day.
Henley & Partners also runs the world’s leading government advisory practice for investment migration, which has raised more than USD 15 billion in foreign direct investment. Trusted by governments, the firm has been involved in strategic consulting and in the design, set-up, and operation of the world’s most successful residence and citizenship programs.
With over 25 years of institutional experience, Henley & Partners is by far the largest globally integrated pure play residence and citizenship advisory firm in the world.
Through the provision of bespoke residence and citizenship by investment solutions, we have helped thousands of individuals and families, their advisors, and many sovereign states to generate value. Our outstanding people and systems provide a world-class advisory service underpinned by strict confidentiality, data security, and limited transaction risk.
In an unsettled, ever-changing world, wealthy individuals need a plan B for themselves and their families — one that offers them a safer place to live in times of crisis, while also providing them with greater access to global business and lifestyle opportunities.
Investing in different residence and/or citizenship options worldwide offers both short-term value and long-term yield. The more access you have, the more diversified your assets and the lower your exposure to regional and global volatility.
Citizenship by Investment
Citizenship by investment programs provide families with the privilege of acquiring an alternative citizenship, which in turn gives them the right to travel freely to various destinations and to settle in another country. Over 100 countries in the world have some form of investment migration legislation in place. Of these, about 40 residence and/or citizenship by investment programs are running successfully, many of which were designed and set up by Henley & Partners.
Residence by Investment
A person of talent and means need not limit their life and business to only one country. Residence by investment programs provide high-net-worth individuals with the option of relocating and the right to live, work, study, and receive healthcare in their new country of residence. A change of residence to a suitable country is an increasingly important aspect of international planning for private clients.
Private Client Solutions
Henley & Partners’ unique strategic advisory process creates lifelong value for you and your family. We have the broadest and deepest private client offering available, working with the widest range of sovereign states, giving you the greatest possible optionality. The return on your investment includes the freedom to travel, live, and invest where you choose, enhanced security, and a hedge against potential volatility. Furthermore, we offer a bespoke education service for our clients’ children as well as other exclusive services. Our exceptional track record is a testament to our extensive experience and expertise as the pioneer and leader of the investment migration sector.
Supporting Private Client Advisors
We partner and work in tandem with other advisors of our clients, providing complementary advice and services relating to their residence and citizenship planning options. Henley & Partners has a deep understanding of the complex requirements of private banks, independent asset managers, family offices, legal advisors, and real estate agents, because many of our employees have previously advised across the same value chains.
Government Advisory Practice
Henley & Partners is a strategic advisor to sovereign states. We have counseled and assisted many governments on economic development strategy and implementation in the areas of residence and citizenship. Henley & Partners has unique and unrivaled experience in advising on the set-up and optimization of residence and citizenship by investment programs (also known as golden visa programs) and the deployment of foreign direct investment as well as exceptional strategic marketing, communications, and country branding capabilities.

Network Connections

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Henley & Partners
Global Mobility, Residence & Citizenship by Investment

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Global Mobility, Residence & Citizenship by Investment
Hong Kong

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