
Farrant Group




Reputation Managers



Advice type


Client Types


Business owners

Sam MacAuslan

Spear's Review

Sam MacAuslan is a director at the London office of the Farrant Group, a leading international strategic communications agency spread between Europe and the Middle East.

His focus is on entrepreneurial clients from the developing world but doing business internationally, seeking to maintain their reputations, often when going through litigation, in order to continue their ability to do business.

He told Spear's: 'It is less about what's happening in the courtroom, and more about safeguarding someone's reputation and ensuring that they reputational goals are met in line with the legal strategy.'

His team work in partnership with the client's wider team of legal advisers. 'It's no good to win your court case and your damages, but have your reputation in tatters. If you need to continue to operate a business while litigation is going through, it's important that the the business remains unaffected,' he said.

Rank: Recommended

Recommended 2024, Reputation Managers

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