Travel Services
Spear’s Review
Specialising in travel experiences across the UK, Ireland and France, NoteWorthy has one fundamental mission: ‘to deliver memorable experiences that can rarely be found on the internet or in the pages of a guidebook’. Established in 1986, the company found itself immediately popular among UHNW American travellers — something that has continued to today.
According to the company, ‘These clients want “luxury casual”. They want to be immersed in their destination and go behind the scenes with luxurious out-of-the-ordinary programmes.’
One such programme is a tour of Room 58 in the Churchill War Rooms, which NoteWorthy claims is available exclusively to its clients. The room is speculated to be where Churchill met his advisers and members of the Secret Service. ‘Clients have privileged access to this room, packed with tactile elements to explore. It offers the chance to learn more about Churchill’s life and the bunker’s role during the war,‘ the company said.
Rank: Recommended

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