
coc00n Cyber

Geographical focus

United Kingdom

United States


Middle East & Africa

Client types


Family offices


coc00n Cyber

Company profile

coc00n secures the personal mobile devices of high-value and high-risk individuals against cyber-attacks. 

Those in positions of power and influence, as well as their families, are at risk of ever more technically advanced, highly targeted and sophisticated cyber-attacks orchestrated by global networks of criminals.

coc00n provides its clients with a level of personal cyber security not previously available in the private sector and reserved for those under government protection. The team comprises of former NCSC and GCHQ cyber security architects with experience in innovating and securing the highest risk individuals and organisations.

coc00n has been devised to provide a comprehensive suite of proactive mobile device protections that deliver defence in depth, securing the device itself and all inbound and outbound data and communications.

Beyond safeguarding mobile devices from cyber-attacks, coc00n provides dedicated cyber consultancy, which offers comprehensive cybersecurity services tailored for high-value and high-risk individuals and organisations. This includes Risk Profile Analysis - delivering detailed reports on client exposure across the deep and dark web; advice for high threat travel and deployments; private property assessments and corporate cybersecurity architecture reviews and remediation.


7 Bell Yard, London, WC2A 2JR

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