Teitler & Teitler
New York
Teitler & Teitler
Company Profile
For over 50 years, Teitler & Teitler LLP (T&T) has been one of New York’s leading firms in handling complex and high-stakes disputes for UHNWs and their advisers, involving family law, trusts and related litigation. The firm believes that most matters can and should be settled. However, where that is not possible T&T has a track record of taking the most complicated matters to trial, where our skill and experience provide a unique ability to achieve our clients’ goals.
We like to win and are avid competitors both at work and outside of the office. Whether squash court or law court, the same precepts apply: preparation, experience and intense focus lead to positive results.
We have advised clients on a wide variety of issues in various domestic US and worldwide jurisdictions. Our practice also includes commercial litigation and trusts and estates planning.
Drawing on our team’s deep experience, we advise the wealthiest people in the world and their advisers across a variety of issues, allowing us to help them avoid pitfalls and turn challenges into opportunities.
The enormous accretion of wealth in recent decades, together with the typical cross-border UHNW lifestyle, has created increasing exposure of marital assets or trust assets to the laws of unfavorable jurisdictions, and a resulting increase in forum shopping. Increasing judicial subjectivity in the application of the laws, and resulting uncertainty as to outcomes (particularly in various domestic US jurisdictions and England), have further raised the stakes presented by these issues. Settlements often become more difficult to achieve as the spread of potential outcomes widens. Experience navigating these complex issues is critical to managing risk and achieving clients’ goals.
T&T is a 15-lawyer boutique located at 230 Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan. It has extensive experience counselling UHNWs in crisis management situations. We stand ready to try the most difficult and important cases in state and federal courts. We advise domestic and foreign individuals and entities in complex matrimonial actions, the negotiation of pre- and post-nuptial agreements, estate litigation and planning matters, art litigation and advisory work, and commercial litigation.

230 Park Avenue, 2200, New York, 10169