Managing director and founder
Lifestyle & Passion Investments
Advice type
Michelle Begy
Spear’s Review
Established just weeks before the coronavirus pandemic took hold, Ignite Dating has quickly grown into one of the largest matchmaking and introduction agencies in the UK.
Having noticed a trend where ‘young people wanted to be more prescriptive as to what they wanted in a partner’, founder Michelle Begy sought to fill a gap in the market. A MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and FIRO (Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation) practitioner, Begy uses an extensive and thorough methodology to find suitable matches for her elite clients. Her processes involve using the renowned Myers-Briggs personality profiling test, identity verification and exclusive headhunting to match up compatible partners.
According to the firm, this allows her to ‘understand what makes somebody tick and [ensures] a finely tuned match based on their specific preferences’.
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