




Buying Agents



Advice type

Property buying

Property investing

Asset Class

Real estate

Country property

Sector Focus

Real Estate

Katie Neale

Spear’s Review

Though she spent the early years of her career focusing on London property, Katie Neale expanded her search area at Garrington to include rural Hertfordshire when she moved out of the capital.

Hertfordshire has strong family connections for Neale, and she is now using her experience of working in London to find ideal properties for HNW families who wish to maintain links to the city while living in the country.

With many of Garrington’s clients – entrepreneurs, professional executives, HNWIs and celebrities – finding the firm through its partnerships with large private banks, Neale frequently searches off market to assist clients in sought-after locations. 

Neale particularly enjoys helping young families find their dream home, and is able to advise on local schools, commuting distances and amenities.

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2024, Buying Agents

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