Preparing students for life
Day fees
$18,100 - $45,200
Boarding fees
$41,500 - $62,300
31.1 per cent of GCSE results are 7–9 grades.
30.3 per cent of A-Level results are A* or A grades.
Spear’s Review
Prince Philip attended Gordonstoun, located in the north-east of Scotland, and the school’s outward bound spirit inspired the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. His son, King Charles, was also educated there.
Like Germany’s Schule Schloss Salem, Gordonstoun was founded by German educationalist Dr Kurt Hahn. The school - one of a decreasing number to offer full boarding, where the pupils stay at school for the entire term with only limited returns to home - endeavours to offer a broader curriculum to expand and open its pupils’ minds: every student takes part in a programme of seamanship as part of the curriculum, learning to sail the school’s ocean-going yacht, Ocean Spirit of Moray. Not as spartan as it might once have been, a Gordonstoun education still instils a sense of resilience that will be carried into adult life.
Head teacher
Principal Lisa Kerr studied at the City of Edinburgh Music School and the University of York. Following a 20-year career in media and business, she moved into education, serving as a governor of Gordonstoun for over 10 years before becoming principal in 2017. Kerr has recently been appointed principal of George Watson’s College and will take up her new post in the autumn term of 2024.
According to the school:
Upon registration, a student is asked to provide details including a copy of their school report and a reference from their current school. A personalised visit and an interview with the senior school head is then arranged. Gordonstoun undertakes its own assessments, and rather than being purely academically selective seeks a range of talents – looking for those students who will suit a mainstream GCSE and A-level course of study.
Feeder schools
Fettes, Lossiemouth High School and Hopeman Primary
Aberdeen International Airport; 2 hours
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Rank: Top Flight

Top Flight 2024, UK Senior Schools