Corporate, Litigation & Disputes Lawyers
Advice type
Alternative dispute resolution
Cross-border litigation
Legal - Commercial litigation
Legal - Dispute resolution
Client type
Business owners
Corporate clients
Private clients
Sports people
Sector Focus
Legal Advisory Services
Lawrence Kelly
Spear’s Review
Lawrence Kelly founded Lawrence Stephens with his two partners, Steven Bernstein and Stephen Messias, in 1997. He is now a solicitor-advocate, qualified to appear in all UK courts including in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
He has a wide range of knowledge, including commercial litigation and dispute resolution, and acts for a great many clients in business cases, including entrepreneurs, sports stars and their designated representatives and agents, individual directors of companies and corporate clients.
Kelly is also experienced in civil and criminal fraud cases, contractual and negligence disputes, asset tracing, spread betting and other gambling disagreements.
Adviser Profile
Lawrence’s areas of practice encompass a wide range of commercial disputes including contractual and negligence claims (both corporate and individual), director and shareholder disputes, interim injunctions (including worldwide freezing orders) insolvency disputes, breach of directors’ duties, partnership disputes, civil fraud, asset tracing and recovery, intellectual property disputes, regulatory and compliance matters, spread betting/CFDs and other gambling disputes, sports tribunal cases, HMRC inquiries, and criminal investigations, particularly in cases of fraud and private prosecutions.
Lawrence is a keen proponent of Alternative Dispute Resolution and regularly engages in mediation to resolve disputes.
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+44 (0)7710 570 041
50 Farringdon Road, London, EC1M 3HE