Family Lawyers
Advice type
Legal - Complex family matters
Sector Focus
Legal Advisory Services
Louise Walker
Spear’s Review
Louise Walker is a highly experienced solicitor who has worked in family law for over three decades. She was a founding member of Irwin Mitchell’s family team in Leeds, where she specialised in handling complex cases for HNW individuals.
In August 2023, she moved to London and joined Camilla Baldwin Solicitors as a partner.
Walker tells Spear’s that she has always been a ‘firm believer that as long as you educate your clients properly, hopefully they can engage in making sensible arrangements for their children without involving outside agencies. When it comes to issues regarding children, my intention is always to keep my clients out of court.’
The majority of Walker’s cases have an international element, and she has previously acted for high-profile sports stars, broadcasters and families with generational wealth and trust assets.
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