Private Doctors & Surgeons
Health & Wellness
Advice type
General practice
Preventative care
Client type
Family offices
High-profile clients
Private office
Sector Focus
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Geographical focus
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Amarjit Raindi
Spear’s Review
‘Learning from patients is important,’ the personable Dr Amarjit Raindi told Spear’s. Raindi offers tailored care for HNW clients at The Concierge Clinic. ‘It’s based on the traditional family doctor service, but making use of modern technology and medical advances,’ he explained.
It’s a holistic concept, exemplified by solutions such as the health screening service, which Raindi described as ‘truly personalised’. This entails a more in-depth relationship with a patient, learning about their health beliefs, expectations and culture to tailor care accordingly.
‘No two patients are the same, so why should an important health screen check be identical?’ he said. Importantly, this is grounded in flexibility. Consultations can take place in person or online, and the clinic has global connections to serve international clients.
Adviser Profile
Having graduated from Guy’s, King’s & St Thomas’ Medical School, Dr Raindi has been practising medicine for over 20 years. He has been established as a Private GP in the Harley Street area since 2010.
Whilst our practice still sees patients for one-off consultations and bespoke longevity-based health assessments, we have transitioned into one of the first clinician-led Concierge Medicine practices in London.
Our membership-based practice provides services to individuals, families, family offices and small companies, offering a complete primary care solution. In addition to connections to leading UK specialists, when onward referrals are required, we have a global reach, with an international network of world-class primary care and secondary care doctors.
We hold dear the traditional general practice values of accessibility and continuity of care, building long-term trusting relationships.
Managing acute and chronic conditions is an important aspect of our practice; we also place an emphasis on preventative care with our proactive approach.
No two patients are the same, so our health checks are entirely tailored to the individual and make use of the latest diagnostics including genetic testing, AI-enhanced imaging and advanced biomarkers.
We use the very best of modern medicine and technology. Our practice was the first private clinic in the UK to provide members with an advanced remote examination and monitoring device to ensure best care when face-to-face review is not possible. This is especially useful as our members travel frequently.
We are passionate about the art of medicine, and our ongoing research ensures we are on the cutting edge of the latest diagnostics and treatments. We are excited about future developments and carefully study the scientific literature to provide evidence-based recommendations for our patients.
Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2024, Private Doctors & Surgeons
020 7118 1816
62 Wimpole Street, London, W1G 8AJ