Medical Director
Preventative Medicine, Health Screening & Anti-Ageing
Health & Wellness
Advice type
Preventative care
Sector Focus
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Ying-Young Hui
Spear’s Review
Dr Ying-Young Hui, medical director at Preventicum, presides over a clinic of 11 doctors who perform and analyse a series of scientifically tuned tests on their clients every 12 months, building an enviable body of data aimed at preventing illness for as long as possible.
‘Everything is completed on the same day in the same building,’ Hui says. ‘We can offer a prospective client a very detailed consultation with a dedicated doctor at the beginning of their day, going through their concerns, their past history and their family history – anything relevant to their current health, but also potentially what could affect their health in the future.’
Following a comprehensive series of tests, the client’s dedicated doctor will discuss the results and offer a health programme, including referrals to a network of trusted specialists where necessary.
Adviser Profile
Preventicum offers the only doctor-led health assessments that take place on a single day, with same-day results, at our luxury London clinic, giving our clients the ultimate peace of mind.
Dr Ying-Young Hui, Medical Director at Preventicum, is passionate about the benefits that preventive health assessments can have on a client’s physical and psychological wellbeing. ‘Our world-class assessments detect the earliest signs of and risk factors for heart disease, cancers, stroke, diabetes and other conditions. The extent and combination of the tests we offer make our Optimal and Ultimate assessments the world’s most advanced health checks, giving clients unparalleled information and reassurance.’
Rank: Recommended
Recommended 2024, Preventative Medicine, Health Screening & Anti-Ageing
020 7605 6900
Cursitor Street, Off Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1EN