Gardens & Landscaping
Advice type
Landscape gardening
Client type
Private clients
Geographical focus
United Kingdom
North America
Xa Tollemache
Spear’s Review
Xa Tollemache began her career by learning the ropes in her own garden at Helmingham Hall, Suffolk, under the guidance of head gardener Roy Balaam. Since then, she has gone on to become a household name in garden design.
Tollemache recently sat down with Spear’s to talk about her journey in setting up her own business in 1996. She says that she won gold at the Chelsea Flower Show the very next year, which ‘put me on a platform and got my name out there.’
Over the last 25 years, she has worked on a variety of different projects for private clients and specialises in large country estates. Notable commissions include the Millennium Garden at Castle Hill in Devon and the new borders at Dunbeath Castle in Scotland. Whilst predominately working in the UK, she has also undertaken jobs in America, France, and Denmark.
Tollemache sits on the Council of the RHS and frequently judges at their shows.
Rank: Top Recommended

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