


Life Coaches & Performance Coaches



Advice type

Next generation

Client Types

UHNW families


Jessica McGawley

Spear’s Review

Jessica McGawley, the founder and CEO of Dallington Associates, runs a structured mentoring and therapy service for next-generation wealth holders aged between 16 and 28 who are coming to terms with their new-found wealth and learning to be responsible for their own futures.

‘After I set up Dallington, we sat down and designed a curriculum – originally 10 modules, now 45 – to address the practical and personal elements [of being a beneficiary],’ she said.

A graduate of the Dallington programme, conducted in a charming townhouse in Bloomsbury, should have the confidence to solve problems for themselves and ask questions of their advisers. They should, McGawley said, be able to know, like and manage themselves.

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2024, Life Coaches & Performance Coaches

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