


Philanthropy and Impact Investing



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Family offices

Hannah Gibney

Spear’s Review

Hannah Gibney, interim chief philanthropy officer at Stewardship, a Christian philanthropy advice agency, works with clients from all over the world who are domiciled in the UK.

‘I oversee our whole philanthropy services team, which looks after about 800 clients, and specifically advise the upper tier of that, what we call our Philanthropy Fund tier,’ she told Spear’s. ‘It’s about 25 clients whose fund sizes range from one million pounds per year all the way to about 60 million.’

As a donor advised fund Stewardship acts for their clients, making grants on their behalf, which can help with anonymity as well as the administrative burden. Gibney said: ‘A lot of our clients talk about the joy of being able to fully let go of the funds and say, “we are actually just being generous with this money. There's no ulterior motive here”.’

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Hannah has been instrumental in helping to grow Stewardship’s Philanthropy Services team since it was set up in 2019. In 2022, the team’s client base grew by 29% to over 800 and its Philanthropy Fund donations increased by 26%. The team won ‘Best Philanthropy Offering or Initiative’ in the 2023 Wealth for Good Awards and ‘Philanthropy Team of the Year’ in the 2020 STEP Private Client Awards. She works in close partnership with major donors and their advisers to provide expert, tailored support so her clients can enjoy maximum impact from their philanthropy. Hannah is on Stewardship’s Senior Leadership Team, is a Philanthropy Impact member and a trained facilitator of Generous Giving’s ‘Journey of Generosity’ retreat.

Rank: Top Recommended

Top Recommended 2024, Philanthropy and Impact Investing


Stewardship, 1 Lamb's Passage, London, EC1Y 8AB

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