School Name
Westminster School
UK Senior Schools
Senior school
Pupil type
Pupil age range
Westminster School
Intellectual curiosity
Day fees 2024/25
$55,200–$59,500 (incl. VAT)
Boarding fees 2024/25
$78,600 (incl. VAT)
Spear’s Review
Westminster School has been in existence since the 14th century and was linked to Westminster Abbey until the 1868 Public Schools Act established the school as an independent body.
At this highly academic institution – exam results are consistently exceptional – students are encouraged to develop an open-minded approach to learning and to maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and compassion. Beyond the classroom, activities such as music, drama and sport, as well as a variety of student-run societies, allow them to widen their interests, meet new people and gain new experiences. Approximately 180 pupils board each year.
In 2026, the school will see the start of the introduction of girls into all years. From 2028, girls will join boys in Westminster School’s Year 9; currently they join at Sixth Form.
99 per cent of GCSE results are grades 7–9.
89 per cent of of results at A-Level are A* or A.
University and college destinations
In 2024, 90 pupils took up places at Oxford and Cambridge, and 31 pupils chose to study in the US or Canada, including at Brown, Columbia, Cornell, McGill, MIT, Stanford, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale.
Head teacher
Dr Gary Savage grew up in Suffolk. He read history at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, taking a double first before completing a PhD on the political culture and foreign policy of later 18th-century France. He was head of history and master-in-college at Eton College, and then became under master at Westminster School for four years. From 2010 he was headmaster at Alleyn’s, and in September 2020 he returned to Westminster School as head master.
According to the school, each year Westminster School offers Lower School (Years 9 to 11) places to boys at 13+ entry and Upper School (Years 12 and 13) places to boys and girls at 16+ entry. Entry for 13+ begins with visiting the school for the first time in Year 5. In Year 6, boys take ISEB common pre-tests in mathematics, English, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. Interviews follow, as well as further tests in mathematics and English, and a report from the boy’s current school. Unconditional offers are then made for entry into Year 9 aged 13. The system described above is for boys who can remain at their prep schools until they are 13. Boys who attend primary schools, finishing in Year 6, should be registered for 11+ entry to Westminster Under School.
Registration for 16+ entry opens in the summer a year before entry. Entry is by competitive examination and interview. Candidates choose four entry examination subjects – the four subjects they plan to take for A-Level. The offer of a place is conditional on a candidate achieving a minimum of eight (I)GCSE passes at A/7 grade, of which at least four are A*/8-9 in the subjects to be studied at A-Level.
Heathrow Airport: 1 hour
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Rank: Top 100

Top 100 2025, UK Senior Schools