Advice type
Education & Private Universities
Client type
UHNW families
Sector Focus
Educational Services
Geographical focus
United Kingdom
Customer type
Grace Moody-Stuart
Spear’s Review
Grace Moody-Stuart is the impressive director of the Good Schools Guide, which started out as a ranking of the top schools in the UK before it expanded into consultancy and SEN support, helping private individuals navigate the complex world of education. Moody-Stuart has spent over two decades working for the firm and has extensive experience advising parents on how to find the right school for their children.
Moody-Stuart spent a decade at the Bar, specialising in pensions and childcare, and taught classics at Sussex House School for seven years. One could say education is in her blood: Moody-Stuart grew up in a boarding school in Sussex that was founded by a direct ancestor in 1837 and run by her parents, who were joint heads.
Rank: Top Recommended

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