Wedding Planners, Events & Entertainment
Lifestyle & Passion Investments
Advice type
Wedding Planners
Client type
International UHNWs
Mark Niemierko
Spear’s Review
Mark Niemierko was working in the film and television industry when he stumbled upon his love for wedding planning. ‘I was in the right place at the right time,’ he tells Spear’s. ‘I was in a place where I could cement my name.’
One wedding that he recalls fondly took place on the back lawns of Cliveden House. ‘There was an orchestra and it was a full five-day event,’ he says. Niemierko is particularly beloved by celebrities: he was responsible for planning the weddings of James Corden, and Rochelle and Marvin Humes.
But with such a client book comes an influx of requests from couples wanting the ‘Niemierko wedding’ — something that’s not always possible. ‘We only plan five weddings a year,’ he says.
Niemierko’s successful approach speaks for itself. ‘I tell all my clients, “If after a month of working for you, I don’t have your trust, fire me.”’
Rank: Recommended

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