
Rosewood Hotels




Power List


Los Angeles

Radha Arora

Spear’s Review

Rosewood is a brand on the march. In recent years, the Hong Kong-based luxury hotelier has been adding destinations to its roster at an impressive pace, and across all of the major continents.

Group president Radha Arora traces his passion for fine hotels to his childhood. His father’s position in the Indian diplomatic services meant that the family were often on the move. Through semi-regular stays in five-star hotels he learned the value of hospitality done well.

Based in Los Angeles, Arora undertook his hotelier training at the prestigious Les Roches in Switzerland – an institution he describes as ‘the Ivy League of all hotel schools’. He joined Rosewood in 2011, just after the one-time US brand had been acquired by its new Asian owners.

Rank: Top Flight

Top Flight 2023, Power List

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