


Reputation Managers



Advice type

Legal - Reputation

Henry Sands

Spear’s Review

Henry Sands offers a wide range of political organisations, business and private UHNW clients ‘comprehensive’ communications strategies through his own PR outfit, SABI Strategy Group, which he founded in 2015. 

Serving as the firm’s managing director, Sands leads a team which provides in-depth analysis based on analytics, investigative work and polling to help clients put together targeted communications campaigns. 

His wide-ranging career in communications and journalism has seen him undertake campaigning work at CTF Partners — headed by Sir Lynton Crosby and Mark Fullbrook — while he also founded his own literary magazine and has contributed to news outlets across the political spectrum. He has also worked as an officer in the British Army and as a senior account executive at freuds in London.

Rank: Recommended

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