Psychiatrists & Counsellors
Health & Wellness
Advice type
Sector Focus
Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Katie Au
Spear’s Review
Dr Katie Au has a private practice as a consultant psychiatrist at the Sloane Court Clinic in Chelsea.
She specialises in treating patients using a blended pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approach, and works with patients living with anxiety, depression, bipolar and psychotic disorders and a wide range of eating and food-related conditions.
In her NHS practice, Au is a consultant psychiatrist at the eating disorder services of the Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust and the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, and she brings this wealth of knowledge and experience to Sloane Court. She has delivered teaching on eating disorders to fellow doctors in several settings, and continues to teach at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Au speaks fluent English and Cantonese, and is proficient in Mandarin.
Rank: Recommended

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